Monday 30 May 2011


Ibiza was an interesting place, although not what I expected. It is an island which revolves around the summer months, when tourists flock to nightclubs (I swear 90% of them are English!) and the transportation system nearly runs on time, (a huge accomplishment for the Spanish!). The island itself boasts both green scenery and sandy beaches. There was the option of taking the ferry for 7 and a half hours, or a quick 40 minute flight from Barcelona. We chose the later, picking up some cheepy airfares thanks to the European budget airline, Spanair! Gotta love the competition in the European skies! After two bus rides and only a rough idea where we were headed, we finally found our hostel in the town of Sant Antonio, a family run place with a local bar downstairs and a free tapa with every drink. Our welcome refreshment of sangria (on tap, no less) went down very well with the patatas bravías suggested by Tucker! Thanks mate! 

A walk around town that night took us down to the boardwalk, and along past The Buddha Bar and Café del Mar, where we had to stop for the best Liquor Coffee I have ever had!! 

That night was the first in a while where we had an entire room and bathroom to ourselves! What an unbelievable luxury. After a decent sleep (finally!) we headed up the ‘mountain’ (a tiny hill compared to our other adventures!) behind the town, to a view which overlooks the town and the sea. 

Along the boardwalk, there is rock jutting out from the path that you can walk along to get to two other beaches, with a couple of little caves tucked under the walkway . 

That night we decided to treat ourselves once more, and headed to The Buddha Bar to see what they offered. Unfortunately, their menu was severely lacking, so after a sneaky photo of the golden Buddha, we headed to a less well known but very cute place called Sun Sea Bar, where we were offered a great sunset, and rugs when it got chilly!

Our final full day in Ibiza took us to the actual town of Ibiza, were the water was very refreshing, but well worth the dip. 

We decided that on our final night In Ibiza, we had to sample the nightlife, considering it is meant to be the best and most craziest in the world. The opening season party for Es Paradis was on, and with free tickets worth 70 euros we couldn’t say no (you can pay anywhere between 35 and 70 euros each just for entry!). We had a siesta at 10pm, waking up at midnight to get ready and head out at 1ish. It just so happened that we met some local Spanish dudes in the bar downstairs just as we were heading out, so we went with them to a Spanish bar for pre-drinks before the club opened. It was right on the outskirts of the tourist nightlife, in an area called The West End (maybe named after all the English there I think!). The Spanish dudes that we were with insisted that we should go to another bar after for more drinks, but being that it was getting very late (or early??) Kim and I headed to Es Paradis. Big mistake! The line was a bazillion km’s long and people walking out were saying that it was like a can of sardines in there, so after 40 minutes and barely even getting half way, we gave our tickets to an Irish ladette from Dublin (whose accent was soooo thick I could hardly makes sense of it), and settled for a picture. 

It was a bit disappointing (more so for Kim than myself I think, being her taste in music and all), we thought that Ibiza was meant to have the most incredible nightlife and know how to throw amazing parties, but instead it was cold, rough….and I got hungry (surprise surprise!). Onwards and upwards though…Barcelona next!

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