Thursday 5 May 2011


We arrived in Bordeaux after a very scenic train journey from Paris.


The scenery was of a lush countryside, it was a pity the ride was only for 3 hours. We stayed with a couple in the south of Bordeaux city, who had a herb garden and a Labrador called Caramel. We planted a basil and a parsley plant in the garden to remember us by! 

The first day was the worst weather we have so far had, cold and drizzly. Nothing a nutella crepe couldn’t fix! We got home to a home cooked meal and a glass of red wine which was lovely and inviting. Our second day in Bordeaux was a public holiday (we didn’t realise this!) however everything was still open. We figured out the complicated system of hiring public push bikes, free for the first 30 minutes, so we discovered the city by bike.  

The town follows the river, with grassy patches on either side. Having yet another lunch of cheese and baguettes next to the river was very relaxing. Even got in some reading time!! 

The public gardens were very pretty, with people juggling and just chilling. Then we went to a ruin of an amphitheatre called ‘Palais Gallien’, 90% of it had been knocked down for residential buildings, but the archway of the arena was incredible, very very old, but so beautiful.  

We got home to yet another home cooked meal, including peach tart!!! Yum. 

That night we played a singing game, which ended up being hilarious, I was on the loosing team of course! Day 3 we started with probably the best black coffee I have ever had…”My Little Café” in the city centre.  

Then we went on a wine tour (of course!) and went to two wineries (no ideas of names!). The actual wineries were super small, and the type of grapes and wine that they are permitted to make by the authorities is very limited

The second winery even had a Chateau!  

We decided to cook a meal for the boys on our last night, so we whipped up a beef stir-fry and ended our stay with a game of Palet, which is somewhat similar to the throwing game with horseshoes, but with small iron ‘biscuits’. In an extremely tight and very competitive game, my team won!! Go the blue team!

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